Honoring my creative lineage: Beloved Luna (Moon)

This month, I will write a series of personal reflections, poems and vignettes that honor my creative lineage, which includes the many beings that have shaped me, prayed for me and supported me so that I may walk my own empowered path guided by them and the gifts they shared with me.  

Beloved Luna (Moon)

The moon represents our emotional side, holding the parts of us that are tender and hidden. The moon invites us to lean into the imagery and guidance of our dreams, to communicate with our subconscious about our blindspots and fears. 

My ancient ancestors learned to measure time based on the changes in the seasons and months based on the moon. The moon has always been an important guide and reminder that time is passing and to do the best we can with the time we have. 

I have been devoted to the moon ever since I started to give myself permission to feel deeply, to honor my emotional nature. Her phases became invitations for me to plunge into the oceans of her emotions. She nudged me gently to release certain stories and behaviors and invited more in my life that could sustain and hold me in care.

The moon has been a loving guide who asks me to honors my ancestors by honoring my experience. Because to honor the information that my emotions share with me is to hold their experiences with reverence and compassion. The moon has helped me to be a vessel for the truth of their trauma and pain, as well as their resilience and joy. Our DNA is weaved together in the bark of an ancient tree, the rituals they created to honor nature’s wisdom and grace help to connect me to a dimension that has no time, a place where we are al one beautiful creation. 

My ancestral healing work begins with listening, being present with the sensations in my body, and opening up my intuitive channels for their wisdom and guidance to flow through. They always remind me that I “am the one to bring us back together - to heal the pain they felt, to speak up…to be their fighting dream, their earth warrior”.

The moon is the bridge that binds our realms, that invokes in me the fierceness and softness of my forefathers and foremothers. I am so grateful for her gifts of clarity, emotional awareness and compassion that she helps to nurture in me. 

Thank you, dearest Luna, for your gracious gifts.

Zhenia Nagorny

Zhenia (she/her) is a creativity doula + intuitive guide who assists her clients in the birth of their creative energy into shape. As a Reiki + Sound Healing (with tuning forks) practitioner, she offers them another way to connect to their innate ability to heal. Her clients leave each session not only feeling deeply relaxed and cared for but with an awakened and renewed outlook on their lives and their surroundings. In addition to her healing work, Zhenia is a compost educator, land steward and dedicated community member where she has resides with her daughter and partner in Flatbush, Brooklyn NY.


Honoring my creative lineage: The elements


Honoring my creative lineage: Beloved plant allies